L&M is excited to partner with Marc Pro to aid in the recovery of our athletes. L&M players utilize Marc Pro equipment as part of their training. Check out their website here:

L&M is excited to partner with Anchor College Counseling. L&M is dedicated to developing players not only to play at the next level but get a degree to succeed in life. We use Anchor College counseling to ensure our players are choosing the right school for them. Check out their website here:

L&M is proud to partner with Tater Bat Company for all the program's bat and glove needs. Tater provides our players with pro-quality equipment that helps our athletes compete at the highest level.
Check them out here: https://www.taterbaseball.com/

L&M is proud to partner with Under Armour for all the program's Jerseys and clothing needs. Under Armour is one of the most notable athletic clothing brands. Partnering with Under Armour provides our players with pro-quality uniforms that look good and help our athletes compete at the highest level.
Check them out here: